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We are the pioneer in extrusion machinery industry, from Wuxi, China...
Series Handling System
Series Puller
Series Heating Furnace
Series Stretcher Equipment
Series Cutting Machine
Here you can find our contact information
Add:No.1Longtan Road,Qianzhou
Industrial Park,Huishan District,
Wuxi City.
Tel:+86 510 83397444 83399444
Fax:+86 510 83399444

  Alvin Co.,ltd is one of the supplier of alumium extrusion assistant machines.
  Under the well management and sincere attitude,members from alvin believe “customer first,service first”which drives products into all districts in home and avoard. Design ,manufacture,instllation,test and maintenance related instructions are available.
  Products inclouding all the whole aluminum extrusion assistant machines excluding extrusion press. They are multiform heating furnace for aluminum bar, quick heating furnace, single billet hot shear furnace, multi-billet hot shear furnace, aluminum aging furnace and aluminum puller, finished sawing machine and so on.
  Under the new environment, members from alvin takes “technology improvement,quality first” sa principle,making efforts to be the leader in this field, with the aim of stabillity,efficiency,energy saving,environment protective and safety of products.
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Tel:+86 510 83397444 83399444 Fax:+86 510 83399444
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